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Beginning of a new journey where I have to sale
Annual Maintenance Service

As a fresh candidate in the Information and Communication Technology industry where I was new, I began my career as an intern in a business development team as a marketing intern at AMD soft and services Pvt. Ltd. The domain was new to me and  I had to perform a marketing call for a product that I was unaware of from the desk provided to me at the office which is located at buddhanagar. Being a fast learner, I began to grasp the technology, system and products of the company.  The team and seniors allowed me to understand about the software development field and hardware and networking services that amdsoft and services provides to its clients. I began to understand how annual maintenance service is being provided to clients. I personally connected with few existing clients to understand their problem like unusual downage in network, computer damage, fault in access control fault and how amdsoft team provides service to its clients for affordable solutions. In my three months tenure, I understood a lot about annual maintenance service and website development that amdsoft  and services serves to its clients in Kathmandu valley and all over Nepal.  Unfortunately, I had jaundice and I was hospitalized and I had to take a long break from the office. I personally thanks the management team of amdsoft for understanding my problem and allowing me to rejoin the office.

I rejoined after a five month break, Oh! That was a joyful moment for me .This time I was a bit prepared for my job and responsibility.  In the morning after I reach office at buddhanagar, amdsoft which is a software development and ICT related company, I usually take fifteen minutes to prepare myself for the day. I prepare material for the whole day and get ready to complete my daily task which includes a sales call to potential customers on annual maintenance service, website development, software application development. 

I start making phone calls to different  people of different sectors such as; Co-operative’s, Non Government Organizations (NGOs), Manpower, Cargo companies and many other businesses of Nepal  etc. I have to talk to them about different topics including AMC( Annual Maintenance Contract), software development, data entry, website development. I have to make sure  to understand their problem definition and try to present them with amdsoft products. The one who is new and seeking their career in business development and marketing you should be focused on understanding your client needs. Being a team member of amdsoft our main focus is to understand what problem client is facing and how our products fits to them. Most of the time, clients face issue in their office networking system, they dont have stable partners who can help them in long run in providing maintenance services. In this case I  try my best to explain about the  AMC services of amdsoft to the clients in detail. I ask them about their requirements and needs, then again I try to convince them to buy an AMC package. 

All day, I have to deal with different types of clients . Some clients are calm and easygoing and are ready to listen to everything I am telling them. They show further interest in AMC and ask more about its pros and cons and if they are convinced they would ask for quotations and proposals of our services. Some of the clients are very rude and are difficult to convince. Some don’t ant to listen to me. But I keep my point on how computer are repaired, why servicing of devices is necessary, what happens if network is down in business. In these way I try to persuade customers on why they need maintenance service. I go on to put my points of view.

After dealing with a variety of clients, sometimes, I found it very exhausting while working. Then I take a ten minute cooling period to understand computer repair service of amdsoft and then I start to think about the correction I need to do while communication about clients on how well amdsoft team are in handling their clients devices. I make a call again and try to convince the potential customer. I analyze the things that is best of amdsoft team that how it cares about its client, swift response to client office and premises in providing support. I have missed these things, I acknowledge it while talking to them and then point that out.  While talking to the clients, if some new topic arises I am not aware of, I surf that with the team and on the internet and note that down for further need. One client required a L2 networking connection in their office so that all CCTV footage from branch office could be visualized. I asked our support team at amdsoft and they told the use case and our client who is already utilizing these kind of service. It helped me to learn new things with IT team. Before checkout of the day I make materials ready for the next day and choose the criteria to be called the next day. Then I complete my reporting for the whole day.

As of now I am more focused on convincing customers to take annual maintenance service in Kathmandu valley and  I think customers will benefit from the service quality and pricing that amdsoft offers. I am happy to begin this new journey in the ICT industry and I am sure that the annual maintenance service of amdsoft and services pvt. Ltd is worth selling.



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